Joalis website
Joalis produces unique natural food supplements which combine the effects of herbs and plants with the power of information. We've been commissioned to deliver this awesome project from A-Z and we hope you like the results.
Joalis produces unique natural food supplements which combine the effects of herbs and plants with the power of information. We've been commissioned to deliver this awesome project from A-Z and we hope you like the results.
We've built a modular digital commerce solution to save cost, speed up go-to-market and offer our clients tailored high performing shopping experience. We've gathered a lot of skills over the years - this is where it all comes together. powerful backoffice on one end, performant front-shop / mobile app on the other.
In collaboration with British and Czech collectors and enthusiasts an amazing project of the largest collection of mobile phones in the world was created. A neat design job provided by folks from Toman Design brought to life with CMS and static site generator.
Having previously worked both client-side and in agency environments in the UK we understand how different teams like to operate and how this has evolved over the years.
Remote teams are commonplace today, but not many offer the feeling of having your team in house. We ensure we keep communication high so it’s as if we are right there with you.
That's why we test our code from early on. It brings about peace of mind. It gives us confidence. And it helps our clients scale their businesses smoothly.
But we’ve become specialists in many areas that we think are valuable to a wide range of businesses, and our skill sets are constantly growing.
We’re based in Prague, but want to feel like we’re just next door.